nnDetection Tutorial#

In this tutorial, we are going through the basic steps to run an nnDetection experiment.

1. Data folder preparation#

Your dataset folder should be formatted in such a way that the nnDetection scripts can successfully detect all the dataset subjects and the corresponding NIFTI files.

NOTE 1: nnDetection requires all the volumes and segmentation masks to be in the NIFTI format. Use the script Hive_convert_DICOM_dataset_to_NIFTI_dataset to convert a DICOM dataset into a NIFTI format.

NOTE 2: nnDetection requires the annotation mask to be in the form of an instance segmentation (each object to be detected is labelled with a unique, incremental value).

The standard dataset folder structure is the following:

        - Subject_0_image0.nii.gz    # Subject_0 modality 0
        - Subject_0_image1.nii.gz    # Subject_0 modality 1
        - Subject_0_mask.nii.gz      # Subject_0 instance segmentation mask
        - Subject_1_image0.nii.gz    # Subject_1 modality 0
        - Subject_1_image1.nii.gz    # Subject_1 modality 1
        - Subject_1_mask.nii.gz      # Subject_1 instance segmentation mask

2. Create Pipeline File#

After organizing the Dataset folder according to the standard format, you are ready to generate a Pipeline file, that will be later used to run all the experiment steps (Data Preparation, Preprocessing and Training). In order to do so, you first need to prepare a JSON configuration file, specifying all the parameters and attributes for the experiment, as described in the section Configs -> nnDetection config. Some default config files are made available with the Hive package, in the configs section. In addition, ROOT_FOLDER should be set as an environment variable (this will be the base folder for all the experiments that will be created). Check it with:


and, if not present, run:

export ROOT_FOLDER=/YOUR/PATH/TO/Experiments

To generate the Pipeline file, run:

Hive_create_pipeline --input-data-folder /PATH/TO/Dataset_folder --config-file /YOUR/CONFIG_FILE.json --task-ID 000

with task_id representing an unique identifier number for the experiment.

Optionally, you can set the split ratio (in %, set a value between 0-100) between train and test data:

Hive_create_pipeline --input-data-folder /PATH/TO/Dataset_folder --config-file /YOUR/CONFIG_FILE.json --task-ID 000 --test-split 20

By default, 80% of the available data will be dedicated for cross-fold validation, while 20% will be reserved as testing set.

The Pipeline file will be available, as a txt file, in root_experiment_folder/experiment_folder, with experiment_folder as indicated in the config file with the "Experiment Name" attribute.

3. Run Pipeline#

Once the Pipeline file is created, you are ready to run your nnDetection experiment, either with the available script, or by just copying/pasting the single commands from the txt file into your shell. To run the full pipeline with the Hive script:

Hive_run_pipeline_from_file --file /YOUR/PIPELINE_FILE.txt

4. Extract Predictions#

After completing the 5-fold Cross Validation, the NIFTI predictions (Segmentation and Bounding Boxes), can be extracted and saved with the command:

Hive_extract_experiment_predictions --config-file /CONFIG_FILE.json --output-experiment-folder /PATH/TO/OUTPUT/FOLDER

5. Compute COCO, FROC and Dice Evaluation Metrics#

The object detection and segmentation evaluation metrics can be computed and with the following command:

nndet_compute_metric_results --config-file /PATH/TO/CONFIG_FILE.json --output-dir /OUTPUT/PATH

After the successful execution, the evaluation metrics will be written in an Excel Spreadsheet, together with the FROC PNG plots.